How To Patch Stucco Cracks - part 2






Above is a picture of another type of crack that you run into, this time in fine stucco.

Stucco hairline cracks like the picture are also best repaired using the same stucco patch product, which by the way has sand in it. When you use it you rub it in and basically the sand just rubs out and falls on the ground; so use a drop cloth. You don't really have to work too hard to texture the fine stucco; basically just make it level.

For both of these types of repairs, textured or fine, of course you have to prime it before painting the stucco. after the primer (use exterior primer) is dried if you have the same paint and it is flat paint, you can just touch up the repairs because flat paint blends with itself perfectly. However, if there is any sheen to the paint or you have to take a piece of the stucco to the paint store to match the color if you don't have the paint anymore, you won't be able to patch paint it, you'll have to paint the whole area. By that I mean just paint up to naturally square areas like window sills or doorframes so the slight color or sheen variation won't be noticeable.








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