How To Patch Stucco Cracks


Here's a picture of the kind of cracks you see in textured stucco, and a picture after it is repaired. The best stucco crack repair product to use to fix this stucco problem is the premixed stucco patch you find at OSH or Home Depot in the plastic container.









The trick with using stucco patch on this kind of DIY stucco repair is to get the texture to match. The best way to do that is to use a cloth rag. After you load the crack up with stucco patch using a putty knife, you blot it with a rag to make it match the texture. The rag will get full of the product, but just keep using it.






Above is a picture of another type of crack that you run into, this time in fine stucco.

Stucco hairline cracks like this are also best repaired using the same stucco patch product. When you use it, you rub it in, and the sand in the stucco rubs out. It will make a mess on the ground, so use a drop cloth. You don't have to work too hard to texture the fine stucco- just make it level.






For both of these types of repairs, textured or fine, you have to prime it before painting the stucco. After the primer (use exterior primer) is dried, if you have the same paint and it is flat paint, you can touch up the repairs because flat paint blends with itself perfectly. If you do not have the same color of paint, paint all the way up to naturally square areas like window sills or doorframes so the slight color or sheen variation won't be noticeable.

Go ahead and paint with regular house paint or in this situation (around the foundation), you might want to get a paint formulated for concrete. In the process of repairing this stucco wall and sealing the stucco cracks, we have performed essential stucco maintenance, because leaving cracks in your stucco lets moisture into the infrastructure of your house. It can cause all kinds of problems including making your stucco even more likely to crack.








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I can recommend this product. Please help support this site by ordering it from within 24 hours using the link below:

Amazon's Description of Product:

"Phenopatch Pre-Mixed Stucco Patch is an easy to use patching compound for repairing minor cracks in stucco."


