Scraping, Sanding, Priming and Painting Old Wood -part 5








So when the first coat touch-up has dried you can go ahead and put a second final coat over everything and blend it with the old paint. Now, it's much easier to do that with flat paint then with semigloss because touch ups with flat paint 'disappear' well. If you're painting with semigloss you'll have to paint up to a straight edge somewhere. Try to 'make a box' (like paint all the way up to a molding) somehow so your touch up is not noticeable. Don't just try to touch up semigloss in patches because it will look bad in certain light.



I recommend the product below for all your priming needs. Available from

Rust-Oleum 2004 Zinsser Bulls Eye 1-2-3 White Water-Based Interior/Exterior Primer Sealer, 1-Quart





Start from beginning









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